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The website is a website dedicated to the business of the company TwinSE both in France and internationally. The information and services available on the website or from the latter may be changed at any time at the discretion of the Company TwinSE. The use of the website and the services offered there directly or indirectly implies full acceptance, full and without reservation by the User of these Terms and Conditions.

The Company TwinSE may at any time modify all or part of the terms of these terms and conditions of the website. These amendments are binding on the user as soon as they come online. Also, it is recommended to the user to regularly check the Terms of Use of the website.

Access to the website is free for users with Internet access. Also, the resulting cost of this access which would be particular but not exclusively linked to the Internet, bandwidth, computer hardware, software used or subscriptions are exclusively user’s responsibility. The user is allowed to access information via the automated processing system of the Data Editor, and in respect of a private, non-profit and not for collective use whether free or paid. Only hyperlinks to the home page of the website is allowed. However, TwinSE Company reserves the right to restrict this possibility at any time.

Intellectual property

The general structure of the website and all the contents that are broadcast there, whether edited contents spoke TwinSE company or one of its partners, are protected by French law regarding intellectual property including copyright, related rights, trademark rights, rights to the image as well as international law. Therefore, the User agrees not any reproduction and use of the content on this website without this limitation: any adaptation, reproduction, making publicly available, distribution, public communication of all or part of the works , trademarks or any material protected by intellectual property rights and present on the site particularly but not exclusively for the purpose of review or news panorama.

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